New for SaaStock Europe 2025, we’ve introduced Tabletalks, which are 45-minute interactive peer group roundtable discussions for SaaS attendees to share insights, address issues, explore opportunities, and generate actionable takeaways on key topics.
Tabletalks at SaaStock Europe 2025 will be the world’s largest roundtable programme for the SaaS community, enabling SaaS Founders, C-Suite and other attendees to network and learn from each other like never before. Each discussion will take place over lunch with 5-7 peers (plus a moderator from a sponsoring company).
SaaS attendees can join up to 2 Tabletalks and pick from multiple timely and important topics that cover some of SaaS’s most pressing challenges and opportunities.
Sponsors can sponsor specific Tabletalks topics, presenting a great way to get in front of small, targeted groups of SaaS attendees in a thought leadership context around timely and meaningful topics, while building and deepening business relationships.
We plan to offer 8 Tabletalks topics, each of which can be sponsored. Sponsoring companies will receive:
*introducing themselves and helping move the conversation along consistent with the prearranged discussion questions–note that this is not an opportunity for a sales pitch or to dominate the conversation
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