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14-15 Oct 2025 | Royal Dublin Society, Dublin
14-15 Oct 2025 | Royal Dublin Society, Dublin

Get 1-1 lead gen meetings with qualified SaaS company Founders & C-Suite

New for 2025, we’ve introduced Meetup at SaaStock, our groundbreaking one-to-one meetings programme that will facilitate more than 15,000 pre-scheduled onsite 15-minute introductory meetings. 

Meetup will be the SaaS industry’s largest Meetings Programme, helping ​​the SaaS community to meet, collaborate and do business at scale.

As part of Meetup, we offer prescheduled, one-to-one Hosted Meetings with qualified SaaS company Founders & C-Suite who have purchasing influence for technologies and other solutions for their organisations. 

We will complete more than 1,000 highly productive 15-minute onsite Hosted Meetings for 100+ sponsors who will meet with 400+ Founders & C-Suite. Each Hosted Meeting is your opportunity to pitch products and solutions to qualified buyers who have expressed an interest in meeting you.

Hosted Meetings Are:

The most effective way for participating exhibitors and sponsors to generate qualified leads at SaaStock

Your opportunity to pitch your products and solutions to qualified SaaS Founders & C-Suite who have expressed an interest in meeting you

The most efficient way to connect with your top prospects and future customers, filling your pipeline with new leads and business opportunities that result in measurable ROI

Why Hosted Meetings?

Every Solution Provider who sells to SaaS companies should buy Hosted Meetings to:

Proactively identify and meet prospects who are sourcing the solutions you offer

Generate new leads and fortify your sales pipeline – you’ll arrive at SaaStock 2025 with a roster of prescheduled, double opt-in meetings

Re-engage with existing contacts and end users to uncover new ways to work together

Increase your ROI on your investment in SaaStock

Since you only pay for the meetings we can schedule, Hosted Meetings are pay-for-performance–there’s no risk and no reason not to participate! 

You do not need to be an exhibitor or sponsor of SaaStock to buy Hosted Meetings.

How does it work?

You’ll follow a simple process, which includes access to extensive Hosted SaaS Founder & Operator profiles, in the weeks preceding SaaStock to schedule your organisation’s Hosted Meetings. Then, when your team is onsite, they’ll attend their Hosted Meetings! It’s that easy!

Since Hosted Meetings are based on a double opt-in process and depend on calendar availability, we can’t guarantee that all of the meetings you purchase can be scheduled, but you only pay for the meetings we can schedule. We highly recommend supplementing your existing exhibit space or sponsorship with Hosted Meetings. And, you don’t need to be an exhibitor or sponsor to purchase Hosted Meetings.

Our Meetup programme is powered by Personatech, the leading event tech company that developed and operates many of the tech industry’s largest meetings programmes globally (including for Shoptalk, Shoptalk Europe, Fintech Meetup and Groceryshop). Personatech has powered hundreds of thousands of meetings for thousands of solution providers for over seven years, and is the gold standard with meetings satisfaction rates exceeding 90%.