Price Increase
14-16 Oct 2024 | Royal Dublin Society, Dublin
14-16 Oct 2024 | Royal Dublin Society, Dublin

Showcasing the best in SaaS

What are the SaaStock Awards?

At SaaStock we see SaaS companies tackling the complexities of this ever changing industry first hand. From managing increased competition, to navigating market conditions, to finding a path to profitability – leaders and their teams are trying to master their craft in this new era for SaaS. 

And some are emerging as trailblazers. They’re getting creative and changing how they operate and solve customer problems to rise to the top.

The SaaStock Awards celebrate these SaaS companies. The ones capitalising on the opportunity and shaping the future of industry.

With the help of expert judges, we’ll champion the most disruptive and exciting SaaS solutions of 2024. The standout companies will be given the all important spotlight across our global community of SaaS leaders, operators, and investors. 

Why apply?

Shortlisted companies and winners will be promoted across our website and in our content and media. It’s your chance to get your SaaS in front of our global community – your ideal customers, peers, and future investors. 

All shortlisted nominations will also receive a 50% discount on two tickets to our Dublin conference this October – where you can network with and learn from thousands of SaaS decision makers. 

Winners will have additional publicity opportunities including interviews and follow ups published on our blog and other content channels.

This year's categories

Nominations for The SaaStock Awards are now closed. Check back soon to see who made the shortlist. 

Best Enterprise Software Solution

The SaaS company that serves large scale organisations (+1000 employees) most effectively. We’re looking for solutions that solve complex problems, either for enterprises only or as part of a company serving SMBs too.

Best Software Solution for SMBs

The SaaS solution making life easier for SMBs (<1000 employees). We’re seeking companies that alleviate the challenges faced by SMBs, whether they’re your sole customer or a segment of your client base.

Best Bootstrapped Company

The SaaS company that’s operating and growing without venture capital funding. We’re looking for inspirational bootstrappers that have mastered efficient growth in today’s market.

Most Innovative use of AI​

The company that’s using AI in the most innovative way to improve its product and better serve its customers. Whether you’re an AI startup or an established product that’s implemented AI functionality, we’re looking for transformative solutions to real business problems. 

People’s Choice: SaaS Founder of the Year

Nominate a trailblazing founder or CEO for a place in the SaaS hall of fame. We’re looking for the founders disrupting the SaaS industry as we know it with their product, innovation, and leadership style. We’ll shortlist the best nominations and the winner will be decided by public vote.